Happy New Year
It sure doesn't feel much like 5772. Where's the promise of flying cars, zero-emission asses (OK, that's my wife's wish, not mine), and the freakin' messiah???
I've had enough of all this waiting for the good stuff.
Seriously, though. For my Jewish friends and family, I wish you a sweet and healthy new year. All the rest of you can wait until January.
I'm not an exciting person, but anything that crosses my mind that I care to share with the rest of the world will appear here.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Snakes on a Plane - Guns on a Plane
They made a pretty stupid movie about snakes on a plane. There have been several movies about guns on a plane; although that's something quite rare in this post-9/11 world.
So, here's a story about an average guy, flying from Vancouver to Toronto, who seems quite surprised that NOBODY wanted to prevent him from carrying TWO pistols onto an Air Canada flight.
Be happy that this man had no ill intent. Be less happy that someone with a more sinister motive could be next.
They made a pretty stupid movie about snakes on a plane. There have been several movies about guns on a plane; although that's something quite rare in this post-9/11 world.
So, here's a story about an average guy, flying from Vancouver to Toronto, who seems quite surprised that NOBODY wanted to prevent him from carrying TWO pistols onto an Air Canada flight.
Be happy that this man had no ill intent. Be less happy that someone with a more sinister motive could be next.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Turban power
Political correctness and an innate sense of trust by Westerners has resulted in the acceptance that people who wear turbans in public do so for religious reasons, and not to disguise malicious intentions.
Unfortunately, a recent act by a Taliban member posing as a peace envoy will have people rethinking that assumption.
Political correctness and an innate sense of trust by Westerners has resulted in the acceptance that people who wear turbans in public do so for religious reasons, and not to disguise malicious intentions.
Unfortunately, a recent act by a Taliban member posing as a peace envoy will have people rethinking that assumption.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saving up for a rainy day
I'm not sure which is correct - the title of the video, which includes the word "Squirrels", or the slide in the video which includes the word "Woodpeckers". I'm going with squirrels...
Squirrels have a well-earned reputation for saving up for a rainy day (or snowy winter). Sometimes, those well-meaning squirrels can be a real pain in the backside when they use our electronic equipment as a storage bin.
Check out the video below for an example of their ingenuity.
I'm not sure which is correct - the title of the video, which includes the word "Squirrels", or the slide in the video which includes the word "Woodpeckers". I'm going with squirrels...
Squirrels have a well-earned reputation for saving up for a rainy day (or snowy winter). Sometimes, those well-meaning squirrels can be a real pain in the backside when they use our electronic equipment as a storage bin.
Check out the video below for an example of their ingenuity.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Best. ride. ever.
How would you like to be in the passenger seat of the fastest and most expensive street legal Ferrari on the planet? Wouldn't it be a cool ride? Something you could tell your friends about?
And wouldn't it be extra cool if you could have a life-long memento of the experience - in the form of a video shot by a spectator - as you fall into the ocean?
How would you like to be in the passenger seat of the fastest and most expensive street legal Ferrari on the planet? Wouldn't it be a cool ride? Something you could tell your friends about?
And wouldn't it be extra cool if you could have a life-long memento of the experience - in the form of a video shot by a spectator - as you fall into the ocean?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I didn't know that!
Apparently, France has a law that makes it a criminal offense (with a steep penalty, I might add) to disclose someone's religious affiliation.
This law was passed after the Holocaust of WWII, because many people identified as Jewish were sent to concentration camps where the vast majority lost their lives.
So now, there's a move afoot in France to have Apple recall a controversial iPhone app.
Apparently, France has a law that makes it a criminal offense (with a steep penalty, I might add) to disclose someone's religious affiliation.
This law was passed after the Holocaust of WWII, because many people identified as Jewish were sent to concentration camps where the vast majority lost their lives.
So now, there's a move afoot in France to have Apple recall a controversial iPhone app.
Come out, come out, wherever you are!
Wouldn't it be cool if you were looking for the most powerful man in the world, and your friend knew exactly where he was, AND where he would be at any particular time?
And wouldn't it be cool if your friend was so proud of this ability, that he decided to share it with the whole world?
Not so much...
Wouldn't it be cool if you were looking for the most powerful man in the world, and your friend knew exactly where he was, AND where he would be at any particular time?
And wouldn't it be cool if your friend was so proud of this ability, that he decided to share it with the whole world?
Not so much...
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
My friend is drowning - please call 911!
Is that a situation that would give you pause? It's not like the person asking for assistance has come to your door in the middle of the night and you're afraid of what might be lurking around the corner if you answer...
But, if you look homeless and aboriginal, some people are just hardwired to ignore you - as if you were sitting on a street corner begging for a handout.
And that might be the reason why nobody called 911 until it was too late.
Is that a situation that would give you pause? It's not like the person asking for assistance has come to your door in the middle of the night and you're afraid of what might be lurking around the corner if you answer...
But, if you look homeless and aboriginal, some people are just hardwired to ignore you - as if you were sitting on a street corner begging for a handout.
And that might be the reason why nobody called 911 until it was too late.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Some people are born lucky
This article is about someone who bought a ticket and won a mega lottery. The article rightfully points out that when you buy a lottery ticket, it's the "luck of the draw" that determines the winner; nothing else.
Still, someone else could have used it more.
This article is about someone who bought a ticket and won a mega lottery. The article rightfully points out that when you buy a lottery ticket, it's the "luck of the draw" that determines the winner; nothing else.
Still, someone else could have used it more.
Monday, September 12, 2011
I am Spartacus!
The iconic 1960 movie with Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis was (and still is) standard TV fare around Easter time every year. It's the movie that "taught me" about Spartacus.
So, when HBO decided to create a series called Spartacus, based on the "back-story" of the slave/gladiator before he earned his freedom, I thought they had big shoes to fill.
It was a gritty tale (that's HBO-speak for 18+ rated) that was well produced and very popular. So popular, it was renewed for a second season. When season 2 began, I wondered why we weren't seeing the forward progression of Spartacus as a free man. Instead, season 2 was a prequel to season 1 - introducing all the gladiator characters that were already part of the "gladiator school" before Spartacus' arrival.

Today, I got the answer to that question... the actor who played Spartacus in season 1 died Sunday of cancer. Apparently, he was suffering from that dreaded disease even while he was filming the first season's episodes.
The iconic 1960 movie with Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis was (and still is) standard TV fare around Easter time every year. It's the movie that "taught me" about Spartacus.
So, when HBO decided to create a series called Spartacus, based on the "back-story" of the slave/gladiator before he earned his freedom, I thought they had big shoes to fill.
It was a gritty tale (that's HBO-speak for 18+ rated) that was well produced and very popular. So popular, it was renewed for a second season. When season 2 began, I wondered why we weren't seeing the forward progression of Spartacus as a free man. Instead, season 2 was a prequel to season 1 - introducing all the gladiator characters that were already part of the "gladiator school" before Spartacus' arrival.

Today, I got the answer to that question... the actor who played Spartacus in season 1 died Sunday of cancer. Apparently, he was suffering from that dreaded disease even while he was filming the first season's episodes.
Shame on you!
In December, 2010, there was a "tragic and preventable" fire at asweatshop offshore production facility in Bangladesh. Thirty workers died in the fire, and the seven companies for whom this factory was supplying garments pledged to pay compensation to the families of the victims.
Now, one of the seven companies has backed away from its promise.
JC Penny has apparently decided that this story is too small to hurt their public relations image, and have gambled that nobody will care. Read the entire story and then show you care.
In December, 2010, there was a "tragic and preventable" fire at a
Now, one of the seven companies has backed away from its promise.
JC Penny has apparently decided that this story is too small to hurt their public relations image, and have gambled that nobody will care. Read the entire story and then show you care.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Does Driver's Ed pay?
I've always believed that driver's education is the best way to learn to drive. Parents can be a bit skittish when their kids get behind the wheel of their car. They criticize, yell, and basically get you all nervous.
But maybe, it's a matter of confidence, practice and experience. Maybe, if parents start training their kids to drive at an early enough age, the kids will actually listen and learn?
Take this video, for example. The driver here totally refutes the stereotype of lousy women drivers.
I've always believed that driver's education is the best way to learn to drive. Parents can be a bit skittish when their kids get behind the wheel of their car. They criticize, yell, and basically get you all nervous.
But maybe, it's a matter of confidence, practice and experience. Maybe, if parents start training their kids to drive at an early enough age, the kids will actually listen and learn?
Take this video, for example. The driver here totally refutes the stereotype of lousy women drivers.
Friday, September 09, 2011
Amazing 9/11 Transcripts
In the years since September 11, 2001, the world has become a more paranoid place. There is distrust and hyper-sensitivity to any issue that could remotely be security related.
Just today, the mayor of New York held a news conference saying that there is a credible, though unconfirmed threat of possible bombings in New York and Washington to commemorate the anniversary of 9/11. These plans were supposedly among the many documents captured when Osama Bin Laden's home was stormed by the Americans on May 1st.
This isn't the time to talk about how 9/11 affected me personally, but instead to examine the innocence lost on that day, nearly 10 years ago.
Everyone who was alive and over the age of 15 probably remembers that day vividly, but on Thursday, the eerie transcripts of the disbelieving air traffic controllers and military staff were publicly released.
Follow along as you hear the horrors of the day unfold; and try to remember that such an event was simply inconceivable to those who took part.
In the years since September 11, 2001, the world has become a more paranoid place. There is distrust and hyper-sensitivity to any issue that could remotely be security related.
Just today, the mayor of New York held a news conference saying that there is a credible, though unconfirmed threat of possible bombings in New York and Washington to commemorate the anniversary of 9/11. These plans were supposedly among the many documents captured when Osama Bin Laden's home was stormed by the Americans on May 1st.
This isn't the time to talk about how 9/11 affected me personally, but instead to examine the innocence lost on that day, nearly 10 years ago.
Everyone who was alive and over the age of 15 probably remembers that day vividly, but on Thursday, the eerie transcripts of the disbelieving air traffic controllers and military staff were publicly released.
Follow along as you hear the horrors of the day unfold; and try to remember that such an event was simply inconceivable to those who took part.
audio recordings,
world trade centre
Two Pillars Gone
Two good men, leaders of the local Jewish community, died this week. One had been ill for many years, and finally succumbed to his various ailments. The other died suddenly and unexpectedly.
Because we bury our dead within 24 hours of their passing, it is quite common to miss a funeral if you're not "plugged in" to the community social network. So, I missed both funerals.
I probably should have guessed there would be a funeral today. Early this morning, I received a call on an unrelated matter from someone using the phone at the Jewish funeral chapel. But I wasn't thinking, and sure enough, there was a funeral today...
The other funeral, however, happened last Sunday, and the death notice only appeared in today's newspaper!
Two good men, leaders of the local Jewish community, died this week. One had been ill for many years, and finally succumbed to his various ailments. The other died suddenly and unexpectedly.
Because we bury our dead within 24 hours of their passing, it is quite common to miss a funeral if you're not "plugged in" to the community social network. So, I missed both funerals.
I probably should have guessed there would be a funeral today. Early this morning, I received a call on an unrelated matter from someone using the phone at the Jewish funeral chapel. But I wasn't thinking, and sure enough, there was a funeral today...
The other funeral, however, happened last Sunday, and the death notice only appeared in today's newspaper!
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Now, I bet you feel safer!
Although I don't do much traveling these days, there was a time when I did. And rather than leave my valuables lying around, I used to take advantage of the room safes.
These videos give me a bit less confidence...
Although I don't do much traveling these days, there was a time when I did. And rather than leave my valuables lying around, I used to take advantage of the room safes.
These videos give me a bit less confidence...
What, me worry? (take 2)
A few days ago, I created a post with the headline: What, me worry? Who knew that this headline would be appropriate again, just a few days later?
Sid Crosby held a news conference recently to address the concussions he received last January, and when he might be returning to active duty. While Sidney was cautiously optimistic, the body language of Penguin's GM Ray Shero told a different story.
A few days ago, I created a post with the headline: What, me worry? Who knew that this headline would be appropriate again, just a few days later?
Sid Crosby held a news conference recently to address the concussions he received last January, and when he might be returning to active duty. While Sidney was cautiously optimistic, the body language of Penguin's GM Ray Shero told a different story.

Saturday, September 03, 2011
The value of life
A while back, a vehicle in Toronto struck a pedestrian. The 74-year old suffered a fractured skull, dislocated shoulder and internal bleeding. He died of his wounds this past Monday. The operator of the vehicle was fined, and criminal charges may be filed as well.
The amount of the fine... $3.75! What's the catch? The "vehicle" in question was a bicycle, and the amount of the fine comes from a bylaw that has not been changed since who-knows-when!
Hopefully, the family of the victim will get some satisfaction from a future criminal or civil suit - although for now, they seem to be taking everything in stride.
A while back, a vehicle in Toronto struck a pedestrian. The 74-year old suffered a fractured skull, dislocated shoulder and internal bleeding. He died of his wounds this past Monday. The operator of the vehicle was fined, and criminal charges may be filed as well.
The amount of the fine... $3.75! What's the catch? The "vehicle" in question was a bicycle, and the amount of the fine comes from a bylaw that has not been changed since who-knows-when!
Hopefully, the family of the victim will get some satisfaction from a future criminal or civil suit - although for now, they seem to be taking everything in stride.
What, me worry?
The Turkish Foreign Minister reminds me of someone. While good old Alfred, however, had a laissez-faire attitude about almost everything, the Turkish Foreign Minister seems to be huffing and puffing about nothing - considering Turkey treats its enemies in ways that make the IDF's handling of the Gaza flotilla seem downright humane.

The Turkish Foreign Minister reminds me of someone. While good old Alfred, however, had a laissez-faire attitude about almost everything, the Turkish Foreign Minister seems to be huffing and puffing about nothing - considering Turkey treats its enemies in ways that make the IDF's handling of the Gaza flotilla seem downright humane.
Four and oh-oh!
The Detroit Lions just completed their last preseason game on Thursday with a convincing victory over the Buffalo Bills. Both teams were playing their starters as a final tuneup before the beginning of the regular season.
Some of the sports writers in Detroit are optimistic about the Lion's chances this year. All the players who played in that last tuneup game went home healthy, and there is optimism in the air. After all, the Lions just went 4-0 in the preseason, with some very convincing wins!
Just one problem. The Lions went 4-0 during the 2008 preseason. You remember 2008 don't you? That's the year the Lions went 0-16 in the regular season - the only team to ever lose all 16 games in a single season. There had been another team prior to the Lions to lose all the games in their season, but that was back in the day when only 14 games were played. Losing all 16 was unprecedented until the Lions did it.
They'll be looking to break this jinx as quickly as possible.
The Detroit Lions just completed their last preseason game on Thursday with a convincing victory over the Buffalo Bills. Both teams were playing their starters as a final tuneup before the beginning of the regular season.
Some of the sports writers in Detroit are optimistic about the Lion's chances this year. All the players who played in that last tuneup game went home healthy, and there is optimism in the air. After all, the Lions just went 4-0 in the preseason, with some very convincing wins!
Just one problem. The Lions went 4-0 during the 2008 preseason. You remember 2008 don't you? That's the year the Lions went 0-16 in the regular season - the only team to ever lose all 16 games in a single season. There had been another team prior to the Lions to lose all the games in their season, but that was back in the day when only 14 games were played. Losing all 16 was unprecedented until the Lions did it.
They'll be looking to break this jinx as quickly as possible.