What a month
Just 30 days ago, I posted a picture of a rocket from Gaza that had landed in Israel. I mentioned that this would be the start of something. Well, it's been one heck of a month. My opinions on the current goings-on are too charged to be put in print. I'll just say that I'm one who believes that the current situation will not be stabilized until Hamas lacks the capability to continue attacking Israel.
And quickly on to another topic. I was channel surfing when I happened upon an old talk show on Comedy Central, and tuned in just in time to hear the guest replying to a comment about her recent change in dating status.
Her response was: yeah, it's difficult to break up these days... having to change your status on myspace...
Hearing that, I had to go look up the episode to see how old it was. It dated back to May, 2007. I believe Facebook started up in 2005, so, two years later, myspace was still the "it" location. How quickly things have changed...