Sunday, November 20, 2011

I'm all for law and order, but this goes too far!

Let me start by saying I'm straight as an arrow when it comes to crime. I've never tried to smoke (cigarettes or marijuana). Except for Passover wine that was foisted on me by my parents when I was very young, I've never tried alcohol. I've never tried any illegal drugs of any kind. I'm not perfect (I do like to go a bit over the speed limit), but I believe that laws were meant to be followed.

The Conservative government in Canada is considering a law called the "Safe Streets and Communities Act" which will make it a felony for a young adult to share a joint with or give a pill to a friend.

Most sane people realize that for the vast majority of teens, smoking marijuana is a phase they'll outgrow. There are some people who won't outgrow it, or will graduate to something stronger. Some of those people will even turn to crime to support their habit or sell drugs to others. But, the vast majority of young teens won't go that route.

If this law passes, judges will have no discretion to reduce sentences or take the person's character into consideration. A mandatory minimum 2-year penitentiary sentence will be required.

This is a stupid law, and people need to talk to their MP's to let them know that this is going to ruin the lives of many otherwise decent young people.

Here's where I heard about the story.

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