Your assignment for today
I've got a few websites hosted through a particular free hosting service that, when they are accessible, is fantastic. Totally free, no limit on the number of domains that can be hosted, no banners, great tech support... what could be better. Unfortunately, either their servers are frequently down, or the backbone they're on is not very stable. It seems like load times for my pages is quite slow - and that's when I can reach them at all.
So, for the few people who read this blog on a regular basis (you know who you are), please use the comments to suggest a free hosting company. I don't need (but wouldn't say no to) CGI scripts, databases, etc. For that kind of service, I realize I'd have to pay something. But for HTML pages, images, etc., I think I need to find a more reliable host. There are lots of "free" hosting plans that require the display of a banner. That's not acceptable. I don't want to show any content that is not completely under my control.
Thanks for your suggestions.
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