Damn. I just entered a VERY LONG post, and it vanished when I hit the publish button. Now, I see a message on the site saying publishing is temporarily unavailable. Am I pissed? You bet. I just spent more than 15 minutes typing, and didn't reread the post or save anything. SHIT!!!
How has my day been so far... I went to the office to turn in my end of month paperwork. This month, that comprises a timesheet, end of month status report, an updated resume, and an expense report. While I was at the office, I took time to talk with several of my colleagues; getting their take on the current state of affairs at the company, and finding out as much as I could about available spots.
Also while there, I found out that a long-tme acquaintance of mine (I've known him for over 20 years) was leaving the company, effective today. I hadn't known in advance, and missed the opportunity to say my goodbyes. Scuttlebutt is that he was resigning because his authority and stature at the company were but a shadow of what they had been. He's been there nearly 20 years. Now, with several reorganizations, his title had been stripped, and he was reporting to a 20-something account manager. My guess is he's about 57, and just can't get used to reporting to someone who's younger than his children.
When I got home from the office, there was lots in the mailbox, none of it for me. Jonathan, my step-son, has been working full time since last summer. He's had lots of jobs, some for as few as a day or two. Now, the mailbox is overflowing with tax slips for his earnings. I sure hope he's due for a refund, because I don't think he's begun to learn about saving some of the money he's been earning.
Another piece of mail was a bible CD. My wife purchased bible software over the internet. Although she was immediately able to download the bulk of the software from the internet, some of the multi-media features were more efficiently contained on a CD. She's been waiting almost two weeks for it to arrive. She'll be happy when she gets her hands on it.
DAMN, my glasses just broke!!!! I was just sitting here, resting my head on my hand, when one of the arms just fell off. I guess I must have been flexing the metal frames, but I wasn't conscious of it. It appears there's a very narrow point where the arms attach to the glasses-frame. It just gave way. I don't have money to replace this stuff. I hope it's covered under some sort of warranty. Something else to keep me occupied tomorrow...
I'm pretty much bummed out now, so I'll just stop here.
I'm not an exciting person, but anything that crosses my mind that I care to share with the rest of the world will appear here.
Thursday, February 28, 2002
What's the first thing you do after waking up in the morning? Besides the obligatory trip to the head, and being just in time to see my wife off to work, the first thing I did this morning was check the path from my computer to Benway. It felt like I was watching this horrible recurring nightmare. As the tracert began to log each hop, I saw what had by now become a predictable list of routers along the way. As I cursed the internet gods for only giving me one path through cyberspace, I watched as my screen predictably slowed down at hop 9, the last known hop before disappearing into the black hole of nothingness. Then it happened... hop 10 magically appeared, then hop 11, and things just went smoothly from there, all the way to Benway's house!
So folks, the glass wall has been dismantled. And I won't have to deal with mIRC again until the next crisis. If that makes me a lamer (prefering the Java version of a chat to the "real" mIRC experience), I plead guilty. For the record, I actually got mIRC reconfigured and working last night, bleary-eyed as I was. But it took an effort that I don't believe should have been necessary... I had to add my own mIRC server entry to the default list. What if I hadn't been observant while the Java chat connected to its server. I would have never known what to use as the server name. I was lucky, and I know it. Sometime over the next few days, I will add ALL the servers from the Java chat into the mIRC database, so I won't find myself stranded again.
Until then, it's happy sailing to my favourite chat site.
Good morning!
So folks, the glass wall has been dismantled. And I won't have to deal with mIRC again until the next crisis. If that makes me a lamer (prefering the Java version of a chat to the "real" mIRC experience), I plead guilty. For the record, I actually got mIRC reconfigured and working last night, bleary-eyed as I was. But it took an effort that I don't believe should have been necessary... I had to add my own mIRC server entry to the default list. What if I hadn't been observant while the Java chat connected to its server. I would have never known what to use as the server name. I was lucky, and I know it. Sometime over the next few days, I will add ALL the servers from the Java chat into the mIRC database, so I won't find myself stranded again.
Until then, it's happy sailing to my favourite chat site.
Good morning!
When I sat down to write the last blogger entry, I had something in mind, then I completely got off track... so here's the original message. For the majority of the day, I've been dealing with a situation where a router somewhere in North America has shut down, and it's the only damn path available to me to get to Benway's site. I feel like a junkie, standing behind a glass wall, able to see my source of gratification, but unable to make contact.
Steve told me I could use mirc to get into the chat room, but the version of mirc that I'm using doesn't seem to want to cooperate. Each time I tried to log on, I was either informed that no connections were available, or that the server I was trying to use would not authorize me. The frustrating thing is, when I first installed mirc, Benway had been using ICQNET, and the default connection to that net is working flawlessly. But, when I try to reconfigure to use IRCNET, it just doesn't want to work.
What's even more frustrating is seeing Steve add to his blogger virtually at the same time I am adding to mine, and I have no way to contact him via chat.
I'm hoping things will be cleared up by morning (or later this morning). Again, good night!
Steve told me I could use mirc to get into the chat room, but the version of mirc that I'm using doesn't seem to want to cooperate. Each time I tried to log on, I was either informed that no connections were available, or that the server I was trying to use would not authorize me. The frustrating thing is, when I first installed mirc, Benway had been using ICQNET, and the default connection to that net is working flawlessly. But, when I try to reconfigure to use IRCNET, it just doesn't want to work.
What's even more frustrating is seeing Steve add to his blogger virtually at the same time I am adding to mine, and I have no way to contact him via chat.
I'm hoping things will be cleared up by morning (or later this morning). Again, good night!
It's early Thursday morning, and I'm tired. Not too strange, considering I haven't been sleeping all that many hours each night, and when I do sleep, it tends to be in small doses in front of the TV set.
Later today, when I do wake up, I will be heading in to the office to file my end-of-month paper work. It has been an unproductive month, and I haven't done my share of "learning" - the process of trying to upgrade my skills in anticipation of my next assignment. I did start and complete a course on management; the first of what will be four courses taken from February through May. But, with so many other courses available to me via computer-based training, I should have accomplished more.
I have been somewhat depressed this month over the manner in which I was removed from my previous assignment, and I still fear that there may be further-reaching consequences to that removal. No longer the "golden boy", I need to be concerned that I don't allow any more tarnish to accumulate on my otherwise-spotless employment record.
Next month, I will break out of this funk and accomplish twice as much as I should have this month, bringing me to "even" on the scoreboard of effort expended during my "bench" time. It's not like I did nothing during the past month. I was engaged in sending several thought-provoking ideas to company management, and I came up with a "pet project" that I thought would keep me from getting rusty while contributing a useful tool to my company. But, when I asked other people their opinions about what I intended to do, the feedback was sparse, and primarily skeptical. It seems there are so many things that need improvement, the powers that be have been overwhelmed with suggestions for improvement. Now, there are factors like budget to consider before approving any change to the status quo.
I am not advocating any massive expenditure of resources. I only want to work on this project myself, from my home, while I'm not employed. It costs the company nothing extra (since they're paying me anyway). Yup, just talked myself into getting back on track. Boy, March will be a busy month - what with double the training courses I would normally do, plus the pet project, plus the second phase of the management training.
Anyway, I can barely keep my eyes open, so it's time to hit the hay!
Later today, when I do wake up, I will be heading in to the office to file my end-of-month paper work. It has been an unproductive month, and I haven't done my share of "learning" - the process of trying to upgrade my skills in anticipation of my next assignment. I did start and complete a course on management; the first of what will be four courses taken from February through May. But, with so many other courses available to me via computer-based training, I should have accomplished more.
I have been somewhat depressed this month over the manner in which I was removed from my previous assignment, and I still fear that there may be further-reaching consequences to that removal. No longer the "golden boy", I need to be concerned that I don't allow any more tarnish to accumulate on my otherwise-spotless employment record.
Next month, I will break out of this funk and accomplish twice as much as I should have this month, bringing me to "even" on the scoreboard of effort expended during my "bench" time. It's not like I did nothing during the past month. I was engaged in sending several thought-provoking ideas to company management, and I came up with a "pet project" that I thought would keep me from getting rusty while contributing a useful tool to my company. But, when I asked other people their opinions about what I intended to do, the feedback was sparse, and primarily skeptical. It seems there are so many things that need improvement, the powers that be have been overwhelmed with suggestions for improvement. Now, there are factors like budget to consider before approving any change to the status quo.
I am not advocating any massive expenditure of resources. I only want to work on this project myself, from my home, while I'm not employed. It costs the company nothing extra (since they're paying me anyway). Yup, just talked myself into getting back on track. Boy, March will be a busy month - what with double the training courses I would normally do, plus the pet project, plus the second phase of the management training.
Anyway, I can barely keep my eyes open, so it's time to hit the hay!
Wednesday, February 27, 2002
Every time I visit the DSL Reports website, I am thankful that I chose to install cable-modem based internet service instead of DSL service. According to this site, which allows visitors to perform download/upload speed tests, and then allows them to store their results for comparisons among various ISPs, the cable providers seem, overall, to have a substantial edge on DSL providers.
However, during the two winter storms that have passed through this region over the past thirty days, my cable modem's availability has been drastically undercut because of downed telephone lines (and the subsequent interruption to cable service). The past three days, in particular, have been very upsetting, because I have been trying to make extensive changes to my website, and with downed cable lines, comes interruptions to my FTP capabilities. I'm not entirely sure how this is related to the weather, because I have (for the most part) been able to surf during much of the storm - I just can't seem to upload or download.
Recently, two members of our family (sister-in-law, and mother-in-law) have signed up for cable access, primarily in response to our prodding and recommendations. I only hope that they are not overly disappointed with this sub-par performance of late.
However, during the two winter storms that have passed through this region over the past thirty days, my cable modem's availability has been drastically undercut because of downed telephone lines (and the subsequent interruption to cable service). The past three days, in particular, have been very upsetting, because I have been trying to make extensive changes to my website, and with downed cable lines, comes interruptions to my FTP capabilities. I'm not entirely sure how this is related to the weather, because I have (for the most part) been able to surf during much of the storm - I just can't seem to upload or download.
Recently, two members of our family (sister-in-law, and mother-in-law) have signed up for cable access, primarily in response to our prodding and recommendations. I only hope that they are not overly disappointed with this sub-par performance of late.
The past couple of days have been interesting. Several months ago, my wife and I were caring for our grand-daughter. I am a pretty selfish kind of guy, and frankly, I resented that at my age, I had to be taking care of a baby, let alone someone else's baby. But, my wife is a good Christian, and I love her to pieces, so I reluctantly agreed; and then saw the originally agreed-to period balloon out to over six months. At two years old, Courtney was a real sweetheart, but she could be a handful.
Now, it's nearly six months on, and Courtney is more than three years old. At this age, it's amazing what a few months means to her development and maturity. My step daughter had to take a business trip out of town (to learn how to perform her new job), and my wife asked whether it was OK for Courtney to stay with us. I have to say that these two days have been very enjoyable. She is still as energetic as I remembered her to be, but much less whiny, and more willing to follow instruction.
I am not naive enough to expect a two year old (or even a three year old) to understand what I want (in terms of behaviour), but I can honestly say that she seems to be more "reasonable" now than she was a few months ago. While I wouldn't volunteer to be a parent again for any length of time, this "visit" with grandma and grandpa has been quite pleasant.
She's renewed her playful relationship with the dogs (and to a lesser extent the cat), and ensures that everyone expends a rather large quantity of energy keeping up with her antics. The dogs appreciate it, my wife is in heaven, and even I (the BLACK KING) am finding that her presense has been enjoyable.
The picture below, taken last summer while she was with us, is somewhat out of date, but you can see just how cute she is.
Now, it's nearly six months on, and Courtney is more than three years old. At this age, it's amazing what a few months means to her development and maturity. My step daughter had to take a business trip out of town (to learn how to perform her new job), and my wife asked whether it was OK for Courtney to stay with us. I have to say that these two days have been very enjoyable. She is still as energetic as I remembered her to be, but much less whiny, and more willing to follow instruction.
I am not naive enough to expect a two year old (or even a three year old) to understand what I want (in terms of behaviour), but I can honestly say that she seems to be more "reasonable" now than she was a few months ago. While I wouldn't volunteer to be a parent again for any length of time, this "visit" with grandma and grandpa has been quite pleasant.
She's renewed her playful relationship with the dogs (and to a lesser extent the cat), and ensures that everyone expends a rather large quantity of energy keeping up with her antics. The dogs appreciate it, my wife is in heaven, and even I (the BLACK KING) am finding that her presense has been enjoyable.
The picture below, taken last summer while she was with us, is somewhat out of date, but you can see just how cute she is.

It's been snowing a bit the past couple of days. I'm not complaining, mind you, because this has been the mildest winter I can remember in quite some time, and even with the latest snow, I think we've had less than one foot of snow for the entire winter.
Yesterday, I created this weblog, and this morning, I jazzed it up with a competent Commenter. I encourage those of you who wish to participate in conversations to post your comments. I will be reading them, and responding to those that strike a chord.
I want to give special thanks to Steve, at Benway, who has provided guidance as I expand my reach on the internet. His artwork, songs, writings, and chatroom are not to be missed.
Yesterday, I created this weblog, and this morning, I jazzed it up with a competent Commenter. I encourage those of you who wish to participate in conversations to post your comments. I will be reading them, and responding to those that strike a chord.
I want to give special thanks to Steve, at Benway, who has provided guidance as I expand my reach on the internet. His artwork, songs, writings, and chatroom are not to be missed.
Tuesday, February 26, 2002
I'll probably regret posting this. I visited Benway's blogger (search for February 26, 2002) and he took a survey indicating which piece of a chessboard his personality is most like. I've known for a long time that I have a black heart. After following the link and honestly answering the survey questions, I received my confirmation...

Which Chess Piece Are You?
I am such an ASS. It's a wonder my wife stays with me!

Which Chess Piece Are You?
I am such an ASS. It's a wonder my wife stays with me!