Saturday, December 06, 2003

I kneed to be alone

Thank you to those who've left comments about my leg and it's recuperation. It's Saturday, the day I thought I'd be back to normal. And I am much better than I was on Thursday; but I still can't use the bad knee to lift myself out of my chair. To be precise, the injured leg was the stronger of the two. The other leg just wasn't accustomed to the leadership role.

It's funny how we take things for granted. When climbing stairs, for example, I'd always lead off with the stronger leg, to get that boost to start things going. Now, I'm finding stair climbing difficult, because the current strong leg is barely up to the task of being the leader. What's worse, is that when I'm in a period of absolutely no pain, I forget about the bad leg, and use it the way I normally would. Instant, debilitating pain stops me in my tracks, reminding me I have some way to go.

What all this is leading to is that this weekend, instead of visiting with my sister and her hubby or my in-laws, I think I'll just try to take it easy on my own.

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