Saturday, June 25, 2011

Followup appointment goes well - I'm back on the road!

I took the train to London on Thursday, June 23rd to see my surgeon for a followup appointment. My vision is good, though apparently my muscle memory is so strong, my body is actually fighting to retain my lazy eye condition, rather than allowing the corrected condition to become stable. The doctor has prescribed some eye exercises that should speed up my recovery and help ensure an optimal result.

Basically, the doctor wants me to take a pen and focus on the nib. She then wants me to draw the pen progressively closer to my nose, so that my eyes have to go "cross-eyed" to keep focused. This tendency to force the eyes "inward" should help me retain better instinctive focus. She wants me to do this exercise for a full FIVE MINUTES every morning right after waking up. Frankly, I can think of a couple of things I'd rather be doing immediately after waking up, so I'll have to work on that.

As far as vision goes, my eyes are both working acceptably well. While the left eye is still a bit blurry, it's well within the allowable parameters for post-surgical expectations. I have been cleared to drive my car. My next followup in London will be in late August.

Today, I wanted to try to get to my optometrist to pick up my new prescription (which was written in February, a few months before the surgery was even scheduled), but it looks like it will have to wait for a few more days. My schedule is just too busy.

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