Thursday, June 16, 2011

Surgery was a complete success!

While I have been told it will take between 4-6 weeks for my corrected vision to be completely free of blurriness, I can say with certainty that only hours after the surgery, I already have more control over my lazy eye than I have had for as long as I can remember.

Before the surgery, if I closed my eyes and relaxed, then opened them, my left eye would be completely to the left of the eye socket; and the two different images were BOTH being processed by my brain. It made for some confusing (and amusing) effects - like being able to see things happening to my left without moving my head or particularly concentrating on them. Unfortunately, it also meant that while driving, traffic in my adjacent lane sometimes appeared to be coming directly at me.

All that is gone now - history. Since the operation, when I look at something, I see it with both eyes - the way it was always meant to be. I now have much improved depth perception, and I can't wait until I get official clearance to drive again.

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