Monday, October 14, 2002

Happy Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. For the second weekend in a row, I found myself travelling back to Windsor - this time to be with my family for Thanksgiving Day dinner. It was good to be home, but at the same time, I am finding it tiring to do this much travel each and every weekend. Next weekend, I will stay in Toronto - looking for a new car and an apartment. Staying with my sister is a real blast, and we are getting to know eachother quite a bit better. She's the baby in the family, and I really didn't get to spend much time with her growing up.

I haven't had the time to spend blogging (and reading other blogs), doing so only sporadically since arriving here. Perhaps when I get my own place, things will fall more into a routine. Work is going quite well, and I think I'm beginning to really impress my bosses. They had been making some noises about also wanting to hire my wife, but I think we'll slow down there and not put all our eggs into such a new basket.

To all my Canadian friends and family, Happy Thanksgiving.

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