Sunday, November 09, 2003

First time for everything

I linked to a blog today. No big deal, right?

But this one was different. It's the very first time I've linked to a blogger that:
a) I had not discovered through another blog I read
b) Had not previously visited my site
c) I had not sought out due to publicity about their site

The blogs in my list are ones I read daily. I confess that a couple of them have become stale or otherwise unsatisfying, but I hadn't considered removing them because, well, they've been there almost since the beginning of my blogging experience. I don't like change (I'm still procrastinating on a site revamp, despite the fact that I have a new template available), so it took a while to decide to remove them from my list.

And since I am such a creature of habit, I found that now, there weren't enough blogs to take up the alloted reading time - hence the search for something new.

I was looking for a specific type of blog - one with a slant and style that I can't really put into words, but that I'd recognize when I saw it. I found it a week ago, and have been reading it daily, but hadn't added it to my list until today.

Since the official name of the blog is too long to fit in the available space, I've taken liberties, and am simply referring to it as Warrior Princess.


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