Saturday, May 29, 2004

Roller Coaster Ride

Another day, another symptom. The rash has returned. Whether it's SJS emerging again as the steroid doses are cut back, or whether it's something else (someone suggested septicemia) I don't know. I do know that for most of the day on Friday, my dad seemed weaker than the previous day. He needed to be fed (as opposed to feeding himself). There were a couple of times that he seemed to be "out of it", saying things that didn't seem quite right.

By the end of the day, he was drinking by himself (holding cups without spilling) and eating nearly everything put in front of him (thank goodness he still has an appetite). Today, the plan is to remove the catheter, as this may be a contributing cause of the bladder infection. If the platelet count doesn't improve soon, the doctors will need to check whether the bone marrow has been infected.

Also, the doctor yesterday confirmed that my dad has contracted pneumonia (always a strong possibility when immobilized with infection for long periods). They seem to have that under control, but I wish they had informed me of their fears earlier. I might have taken better care to isolate myself and other family members from possible contamination. Still, despite the pneumonia, his breathing seems to be stable, if not improving.

Anyway, it's time to get to the hospital, so I've got to run for now.

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