Thursday, June 19, 2003

Comment box issues

It must be frustrating for a guy like Hossein Sharifi (author of YACCS) when changes to the underlying code in a blogging tool render his work inoperable. As a paying supporter, and first requestor of the "Post in the box" feature (where the content of your post appears in the comment box), Hossein chose my blog to be the beta site for this feature. And my blog is featured on his website, showing potential contributors what payoffs there are in supporting his efforts.

Anyway, when "Blogger" changed it's blogging tool, it affected two aspects of the YACCS tool. First, the comment counter went on the fritz (this has been corrected). Second, the comments box no longer displays the content of the post. As usual, Hossein has been very responsive to emails, and he has indicated that he may be able to find time this weekend to investigage a solution to this unfortunate mess. Until, just pretend you know what I'm talking about, and be patient.


The changes at "Blogger" had an effect on w.bloggar as well. Thankfully, they've figured out how to make their tool work, and have already posted information on how to fix the problem.

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