Friday, April 05, 2002

It may not pay to be overly optimistic so soon after getting the boot. It could be another manifestation of denial. But today, two good things happened. First, I was informed by the corporate payroll office that I had been contributing to an unemployment fund. So, there is some possibility that I will be eligible for unemployment benefits. I say "some possibility" because, being from a different country, I don't know if the standard requirement that you be "available for employment" applies to me. As far as I know, I lost my right to work in the U.S. when I lost my job. Anyway, I'll find out.

Meanwhile, I did a quick initial scan of the job availability board for my city (that's all online here, so I don't have to travel to the unemployment office), and I found a suitable job ad. It had a "start date" of March 20th, so I wasn't sure if the position had already been filled. I sent an initial email inquiry (stating a summary of my qualifications) asking whether the position had been filled. The response came later this afternoon. They asked me where I lived. I guess if the position had already been filled, they would have simply said that, so I am hopeful that it may present an opportunity.

At this point, if I was to land a job for any reasonable wage, we might be able to afford to keep the house. Wouldn't that be grand!

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