I've spent most of the afternoon trying to make what I thought was a simple change to my template. In the right navigation bar, the dates are being shown on two lines, instead of a single line. I thought what I would do is change the width of my left table (since there is so much unused room) by 40 pixels, and add those 40 pixels to the right hand table (the navigation bar table). I was very careful, and did not make any errors (I know that sounds arrogant, but I do know how to read HTML and make rudimentary changes).
Anyway, when I was done, the boxes were properly resized, and the Archive dates fit on a single line (hooray!!!!). Unfortunately, just about everything else was screwy. The template I used contains references to javascript code to fill some areas of the screen. The actual code is not visible. Whatever that damned code is doing, it caused font sizes to change (even though I hadn't modified any font statements), and it even changed the way the title text was wrapped in the heading areas.
Believe me, before I would venture to say I did nothing wrong, I did everything I could to make sure things were OK. I took a copy of the original template and saved it (boy am I glad I did that). Then, after each iteration of edits, I ran my new HTML through a DIFF program to verify the scope of the changes when compared to the original template. Trust me, I didn't make a mistake. But, whatever is in that javascript code is killing me. It is so annoying, I may have to select a template that exposes all the code, so I can customize it more easily.
Worst case --- I'll create my own template when I have some time.
For now, unfortunately, I've returned to the original template. What a waste of time!
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